Little Miracles

Little Miracles

Dear Hearts,

Before I write, I rest for a few moments seeking Love’s Voice, and the readiness of mind that receives and brings to life the reality of God.  Before I even know what words to share, I am given to remit the events, persons and failures of my day.  Jess (Jesus) reminds me I must reconcile with my brothers and sisters before I can channel His Love.  As I sit with pen, it is my own willingness to forgive that calls forth His Presence and the assurance that every mistake turned over is an opportunity for miracles.

Placing judgment and small-minded fears on the altar, Jess shows me the importance of kindness, gentleness, and respect for every being.  I have dramatic ideas about what miracles should look like.  I have concepts about time, space and physical law being altered in ways humans cannot fathom. This morning my thoughts are less extravagant. Miracles, He submits, arise as little expressions of love and simple gifts of forgiveness.  Caring, generosity and good will have maximal effects in the world.  A little miracle is a blessing of paramount importance.

Jesus shared this simple premise with Helen and Bill.  He instructed them to extend courtesy to each other at all times.  To fail to do so would create misperceptions that could foul up days devoted to healing, and worse, compromise the pristine purity of the dictation of A Course in Miracles. Helen could not hear clear Guidance while her mind was holding a misperception.  Neither can I.

Judgement and suspicion gum up the chain of miracles, congealing the flow of grace with fear and ego-instruction. Jess asks for vigilance in our thinking, not only as we regard others, but also in how we see ourselves.  We are given to practice Self-appreciation and to reach for Him with every doubt about our worthiness.  We are given to think of ourselves as wholly lovable and wholly loving.  Wholly also means holy!

Miracles honor a person because he is lovable.  2. They dispel ( ) illusions about himself and perceive the light in him. Thus they atone for his errors by freeing him from his nightmares about himself.  They release him from a prison in which he has imprisoned himself”  (MP 33 Circle of Atonement complete edition)

This is not an insignificant gift.  You are not an insignificant giver!  Small acts of loving kindness and forgiveness become immensely creative means and expressions of the holy and the beautiful.  But purity is required first.

As we seek to forgive, Jesus joins with us. Unified in consciousness and directed in prayer we become miracle-readied. He offers the words and vision.  We are told specifically what to do for self and others, becoming individual communicants of God in the world. We are even able to atone for those who are not yet able to atone for themselves. Miracles, most of which are hidden from our perception, become abundant as we sow and reap the goodness of God on earth.

There are days when I feel a dimming of my call to service and ambivalence about the writing of these letters. I understand now, my vigilance is not yet total.  My …ministry (extending miracles) begins as all (my) thoughts are purified. WB-151.15. Pure thoughts, pure hearts are miraculous and creative. 

We discipline our small mind

turning away from its concepts

and beliefs

to create a home for Truth.

We make of our souls

dry river beds,

that the living water

of Sophia may flood

the plains and open spaces

where you wait for Her,

knowing all life depends

upon Her gifts;

all rivers that flow in you,

are sourced in Her Wisdom

and sate your thirst for Good.

This requires you

put down the cocktails

you make to inebriate

and toxify the heart.    (excerpt from Write, Beloved, Write, Purity)