The Coming

The fires of my heart, like the corona of the Son are burning away the dross, the old, the parts of self that are too dense; unremarkable thought systems, which worked for a time to navigate within the world, but now anchor me in unhealthy attachments. These aspects of my thinking tether my heart to smallness and fear. 

These days my quiet time is Vision-plentiful, a path of knowing by vivid visual metaphor and felt-experience through Seeing. These mornings are movements in the vast open fields of innocence beyond which I see uncharted horizons, and toward which I travel with Holy Desire. 

In my Vision I travel on the black stallion, Michael, the gift of the Father to me a year ago. I will share those Visions and that relationship one day soon, but for today I am given to offer the words below. They are the encouragement of the Teacher who presses us out of the pod of body, mind and spirit as we have cloaked it around a mini-self, a little concept of 

Last week I spoke of feelings and softness as the path of strength, allowing feelings to be expressed as we acknowledge the pain of the world, and the dying of a global egocentric-self. This week He speaks to me of The Coming, the will to greet the new, and a translation of life.  I am being reinterpreted and my dominion increasingly shifting from the concrete to the fluid, moving toward a global Self and experience of a Universal Soul.

Are you not so dear to God that even in this moment His Word settles round your doubts like a comforter of rose petals. Wrap yourself in these words, then close your eyes and rest, letting the fragrance of His gift fill your Holy Senses with sweet warmth.

Know I love you.
Feel Love grow.

The Coming                                         
MaryBeth Scalice  March 29, 2020

Your whole heart is a question now.
A question your mind is unable to frame,
Inquiry far deeper than mind could conceive
with its fear of abandonment
and resistance to change.
Your whole heart feels the translation,
a language, a thought,
yet lacking in precision, in definition,
arising as the feeling of transformation,
scouting some horizon for what is given to receive.
These tears the sign of your present connection,
feeling the union, the Truth of it
pushing forth, pushing through;
desire, felt-Self, soul birthing into a new field.
Vision not yet formed but the waves of Presence;
billows of becoming as soft energies spiral around your being,
field of lilies moving all together, around,
upward and before like wings of your own Being.
Not two but many layers of fields (wings) extend from you.

Do not strain to see what comes out from the vast plain,
but go to meet It now.
There are forces that want to hold you back,
to keep you fixed in the same way,
making the same comfortable box of practice,
of spiritual thoughts and resources, a lethargy.
A victim whispers of lack of energy
to “start all over again”
What, you say, am I starting all over again?
But then you recognize this new beginning
is a frontier of awakening. It comes toward you
but dear one, You must move toward as well,
take a step, mount the stallion, meet the wave
and know that what seems to be too deep, too far,
too much a mystery, too much…
is for you, of God, gift, question, answer, and meaning
taking shape in the shapeless field of lilies, of innocence.
Waste not time.
Nor try to use your mind to find your way.
Don’t try to see.
But gently allow the translation, the traveling for a little while
without maps or spiritual signs.

I have not abandoned you, nor do you abandon yourSelf,
but here in the vortex of oscillations, the draw, the expansion,
this pulling of the future from the gravity of the past…
go with this flow. Leave the path as you have known it
and let this part of you fly.
Release it toward what comes,
what you can’t yet make out.
Do not be afraid.
Another part of your Self is on the horizon. 
It is not enemy but Companion, a Holy Ghost.
Once you meet, the fruit of sweet recognition,
realization and union forge a lasting embrace;
reunion with the hidden, love completely refreshed.

I am here.
Your Voice, Your true Teacher, Beloved of You yet.
You are not abandoning your Jess.
You embrace the More of Me.
Come forth out of the cave.
Come forward and say your Name.
Allow the vibration far across the field to See you.
Let your heart go, waving your hands in warm welcome,
extending your wings to envelop and hold.
Leave your past, Adoration.
Drop all the spiritual treasures gripped in the jar of yesterday.
Step out of your sandals and reach.
Reach with your inquiry.
Reach with your will to increase your awareness,
your deeper waking, and your experience of God.
Open your arms, Adoration
and welcome the Coming.