The Invitation to Love

To open the heart is to invite Love to make a home within.

This is no flimsy invitation.  This is putting a sign on the rusted door of the life you thought you lived alone and cherished as your own.  This is undoing the bolt with a kind of trust that It will move in and somehow, together you will clean things up, make long overdue renovations, and maybe, snuggle.

It doesn’t matter that you don’t know what you’re getting into. The invitation comes from a moment of desperation, of crisis and chaos and immense Desire.

You are appealing from a broken heart, a lonely spirit, a sense of having lived behind bars too long. To open the heart is to be willing to open your life to change, to be available to something other than your worn out defenses.

Love, as you welcome it, is not merely a tenant. You, the one who believed she was decision maker, find you’ve relinquished your own bed to make room for It. This is no ordinary affair.  This Love cleaves! This Love becomes ruler of your thoughts, your words and choices. Its Presence makes all your individual decisions obsolete, but one, the decision to be vulnerable to Its Way within you.  Its Way is redemption. Its Way is God.

The power of personal freedom moves then, into abdication of individual preference toward the indescribable divinity, holiness, blazing beauty, wisdom and Omnificence of Love. That is beyond your small mind.  That is consciousness expanded and unified with something infinitely greater.

Behind all your little thoughts and identities, Love shines as true Self, true God, one in Being with the Source of all that is created. It can’t wait to abide where you open, to guide as you allow. It Answers every invitation with Yes.

Of course this doesn’t happen overnight, though you believed you could reel it in and cast it out. You believe in one night stands. Not yet faithful, not yet committed, you still dream of other lovers, other Answers.

Love, however, is forever, gently abiding, tiptoeing into the dark nights of your soul, whispering within as you search too many years for something more, something meaningful.  

One day you recognize how wide the door has swung. You were certain it was not you who left things so vulnerably exposed. But then, the breeze blows through and you realize how sublimely content you are, how smitten with Life, how easy it is to hear the Voice that thanks you for the invitation and the open heart. The Guest has come and made a home in you.  Now it is your turn. Whose heart will become a perfect dwelling place for your Love?

Copyright marybethscalice 2018