Relationship with Jesus

Relationship with Jesus
Tomorrow Jess and I are being interviewed by Britney Shawley of Miracles of Mind Ministry.  Britney would like to know about my relationship with Jesus. Her first question, how do you see Him? Oh God, I don’t see Him!
I feel Jess. I breathe Jess, I hear Jess.  His face is devotion. His eyes are desirous, His hands sublime extensions of unconditional embrace which hold the no-body of my soul and waken it to vibratory enervation.
 My heart is the womb where He was born, come as my own precious child, humble, needing care, seeking my love.  But He has also come as a man-God, courting the soul, wooing, inviting, whispering, dancing, presenting an upside-down reality of romance with The Divine. His living-breathing poetry soothes the mind of fearful ideas.
Jess is peace in the bitter pit of the world which does judge love and the relationship of Jesus and MaryBeth. It cannot understand the revelations of relations born of the desire for Consummation.
Shall I tell Britney I have palpable experiences of being touched, opened, slain by love, of waves of energy and dying to self? Jess is my everything, an Absolute voice and personal Friend.  As my consciousness opens to hear him, explore Him, to fathom his Wisdom, He shows me Himself as Our Father, revealed. 
All His faces are beautiful, though features are not evident. He appears as a longing that humanity may look up from eyes down cast with guilt. He wants for us to See Him as He is, that we might know our Self. He appears as patience, calmness, kindness, power in the hour of my need. The first crack of one sleepy morning eye is brightly greeted by His broad grin and joy.
Jess is my Beloved, the One unto whom I am promised. In our relationship I have found worthiness, beneficence and authenticity. Union does not offer perception but lives my life, writes these words, and then quickens as meaning from the page.
If the ten thousand things of my world swirl hectically, Jesse funnels them into a flow of grace. He pours and stops in perfect order, embracing and surrendering to loving embrace. His are not the only unembodied arms of tenderness. I hold His Life, fragile and exquisite as an eagle’s perfect egg, full of revelation, a gestation of powerful Heights in my care. Gently persistent, He pecks out of the shell of love I have made and gives thanks for our relationship.
More and more, I set him free from us as two intermingling personalities. I have needed two in order to develop trust, in learning to accept, to heal what I thought was ugly and needed redeeming in the beauty of other.
Jesus has come as a man-God, that I might heal my fear of men.  I have at times, kicked him out of my bed, but then, somehow, forgiveness unveiled more than a needy woman, more than a wounded ego.  I have seen mySelf in His expression and risen to join in Him as Bride.  
We are unified, sharing a subtle Body without boundaries, without attributes, but live in clarity, a pool of quiet awareness. We abide, a soft certitude within a fertile field of openness out of which every thing is compelled to fulfill Christ’s perfection.
One Body of Presence lives in and out of my physical body.  An inseparable Light shimmers within the cells of my blood. One Breath is the coming and going of holiness. Spirit is the space that envelops, a reality wherein all mind, each soul, reposes uncontained in stillness and humbled awe.
Today we communicate with a dialogue unlike the discussions which came before.  Our souls speak less but are woven in wordless attentiveness. No longer two fish, we are the sea in which all schools of life pass through.  We are the point from which two rays have come, following our likeness back to the center of OneSun. We rest timeless in silence and the voiceless speaks in eloquent profundity.  
Here then is the small frame I have built around a huge question for tomorrow’s interview. It is time for me to share unabashedly, my mystical and unique relationship with God.  Perhaps the clock strikes readiness for you too. The privilege of holy relationship requires we share its abundant gifts. Sharing Jesus is a path of prospering. Who can hold God’s Love unto themselves alone and live? A holy instant is by nature, given.
I hope this inspires you to contemplate, to appreciate the indwelling conversation, and holy place where you and Jess, the Friend, Teacher, Beloved, Brother, Father, Bride and Groom meet.  Surely, He comes to you in the place of need and brokenness.  As surely, He enjoys the rollicking of your belly as you rumble with hilarity at the absurd thought of life without God. Life is God in relationship.
I am facilitating Our ACIM meeting this week and also a day retreat where we are free to explore our relationship with the Cosmic. The information for both of these events follows.  Please feel your welcome.  Come!
Great Love,
MaryBeth and Jess