Who is the Teacher of God?

Dear Teachers of God,

Do not let that title fool you.  We who are teachers are learners.  We are learning unlearning.  We are unlearning all we learned about who we are, and what God is, and how we should live.  We are little kids who left the classroom of the world for a little while to venture into a new Neighborhood.  We need each other in this place. This Hood has no tests, no hierarchies, no stars, or stamps or grades or trophies. The measure of our growth is in the eyes of each other. The qualities of our becoming seen first in our brothers.  The revelation is loving each other and felt as One success.  Jess passed out a universal curriculum. It is, what You are. It is, Identity. Together we practice, Teach only Love.  Can I do that?

Be that
though you know
you cannot swim, but enter the waters in trust of the limbs
of a Teacher much greater, the Arms that shall not fail…

I have been teacher of many things, psychology, singing, weight lifting, woman’s studies, jump rope, tying shoes, college essays, and composing love letters.  I see that all of my teaching is the same. All the circles I lead grow deep into Christ, all teach me to see What I Am.

Teaching as topic has filled the pages of my journal these last few weeks. I share once more, always mindful, the one
who shares is the one who needs to know.

Look below for the links to our zoom meetings on Thursdays.
Come and teach me something I love to know.

All Love,
www.foundationofopenhearts. com

Who is the Teacher of God?

Anyone who is harmless, open, gentle, kind.  Anyone who has made the journey to the core and tamed the mind. 

Anyone who remembers the art of soft-gazing, of cleansed Vision, of curiosity and wonder.  Any who comes to learn and refrains from the thunder of preaching. The art of silence is in their keeping, the breath of Spirit their steadfast home. 

Anyone unafraid of laughing or weeping, given to be a witness to the death of ego, who plumbs the depths to heal apartheid
of separate religions and spiritual pride.

Anyone who has entered into the mystery of Self and found that well too deep to go alone. Anyone who has cried out, I need to know or felt their hearts chock-full and zealous, or fell on their knees with hilarious gratitude for Truth revealed, for grace received, for Us in unity, our abundant needs suddenly met, our search always just begun, because we become infinitely…  empty.

Anyone or all who have risen from their beds, who heard a Call and grabbed a pen to capture Cosmic wonders within, the beauty crystallizing everything without, making rainbows and orbs around common things; eyes, ears and voice, the holy
kings of their purity.

Who is the Teacher?
Anyone who knows they cannot swim, but enters the waters in trust
of the limbs of a Teacher much greater, the Arms that shall not fail
to hold the student, to float the blessed Idea of God as Self,
one who has taken the covenant of Christ as modus operandi
and commits to walk as humble as a lamb
whose lost it legs,
yet, creator of Heaven,
and bearer of Gifts,
Body of Wisdom,
Heart within heart within Him
all In,
to love with one’s whole body,
love with one’s whole heart,
love with one’s whole soul
whosoever shall appear before thee
before thee is thy God.

Join Zoom ACIM Meeting, January 14, 2020 at 7:30pm

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Reminder we will meet again on Tuesday, February 2, 7:pm for Real Conversation about Racism.  Look for the link later this week.