Are You Breathing?

Right now, 

can you give a moment, 

bringing awareness to

your lungs, 

your belly, 

your body?

Are you breathing?


Free of the grip

that clamps

the jaw;

free of the strain

that stiffens

the shoulders;

free of the worry

that sutures 

the stomach,

pocking the breath 

into slivers and pits?


air moving in, 

air moving out.


what is constricted?

What is open to receive?


don’t just read these words

like un-prayed rosary beads.

Take a moment.

Pay attention 

to the sound

of your breath,

the movement

of your body.

Then read this:

When you have learned 

…to decide with God, 

all decisions become

as easy and as right

as breathing. 

There is no effort,

… you will be led 

as gently as if 

you were being 

carried down 

a quiet path

in summer. 

ACIM T-14.IV.6:1-2

A summer breath,

a gentle breath,

a quiet path,

this is the Way

of the mind United;

an easy breath,

an effortless breath,

a breath led

by the choice

to let Him choose.

He has chosen you.

In this instant

your breath is

the holy path 

He travels.

His coming

as effortless 

as a decision

to notice,

to inhale,

to exhale,

and then,

the revelation:

I am the holy home

of God Itself.

I am the Heaven

where His Love


ACIM WB-P2. 350. 14:1