You Drive

Dear Hearts,
Years ago, Jesus probed, why so serious? His smiling face was alight with glee.I had come to believe my spiritual journey was of such acute importance, my thoughts and actions became solemn. I was bound and determined to get it…  not sure if I can explain what it is, but MaryBeth doggedly pursued “the work.”  Instead of freeing me, the will of God seemed to impale me to a cross of discipline and learning.
Jess, was so beautiful in that moment.  I experienced,  as if, a lifting of my downcast eyes to Truth. Spiritual was not difficult. It was not sacrificial. Holy was not a journey, but a recognition. My fantasies of a somber God, were keeping me from the joyfulness that is the Beloved’s true nature. That day, Jess had come to play.  He came again yesterday, finding me in the heat of grave contemplations.  I am so grateful for the re-creation he offers.  Jess is fun. 
I am sharing with you a silly piece of humorous wit.  It was a happy fix for the weight of unhappy illusions. It portrays a drive, a conversation and the playfulness of Jesus.
Hoping you will pop up in our ACIM Zoom meeting this week. You are always welcomed. We are serious about the joy of God. The link is below.
Always Love,
You Drive or A Sometimes-Feminist Shouts at Jesus
I get in the car.
I drive.
How can I leave?
The car is full of You.
Or full of the absence of you
Which is also full of You.
Do you understand?
I think I shall drive alone somewhere
and leave this love drenched existence.
But You are existence.
You drive me mad.
You drive me pure.
You always drive!

At every milepost
I believe, I fantasize
I have more freedom.
The white lines on the road
get blurry as I speed.
I dream each curve,
each hill, each four-lane highway
is something to take
on my own,
away from all those
fess-up-feelings in the be-here-now.
If not Here, You ask, then where do you wish to be?
Everywhere, nowhere, I really do not care
Just not here.
I see, You say. Then pause.
You would like me to do the impossible.
I am not sure I understand.
In frustration I put the petal to the metal.
I will do my best not to be Present.
Perhaps there is a slight ruffle of angel wings.
Perhaps the giggling is in my imagination
It’s not really You, I explain.
I’m in transition.
I want to go where the air is clear.
I want to be free to explore on my own.
I just need a break.
Male-gods, father, son and
Mas-cu-line-doms are annoying..
I want to explore my Queendom.
Thank you for sharing.
Oh! What’s the use! I shout.
That’s a very wise question, You reply.
Please! I say emphatically,
You don’t understand me!
I’m glad we cleared that up.
I am getting worn down.
too tired to drive,
wanting to be alone.
Be quiet! I say.
Certainly, You whisper,
I do that well.
I am quiescence Itself.
Thank you for asking.
Laughing through parted lips, you shine,
Oh how wonderful! How wonderful!
You take the wheel.
You drive.
We have a moment of silence.
From the back seat I ask,
Where are we going?
I don’t like when you answer my question with a question.
Yes, going… where?
Beloved, we are not going, we are coming.
We are coming again for a second time.
Laughing out loud I think,
I really crack myself up.
Mmm hmmYou smile.
Mmmm hmmm.
 ACIM Zoom meeting  Thursday May 5, 2021  7:30 pm
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